Kalau Kim Joong Kook punya HaHa di Running Man yang dia jadiin brother, gw punya yang satu ini. :) *Whatever deh kalau ini adalah perasaan yang bertepuk sebelah tangan, sah2 aja, kekekekee* A gentler, tinier, funnier, wiser HaHa. :3 Seumur-umur gue ngga pernah prediksi bahwa cowo ini bakal jadi orang yang benar-benar ngubah cara pandang gue tentang keluarga, tentang berpikir panjang, apalagi mikul beban orang lain yang banyak dan gedenya najis itu ke atas pundak kita sendiri. But he did it, he still does. Nae dongseng! :DD
Gue percaya, cowo yang satu ini banyak berubah dari pertama kali gue ngenal dia.
Apa momen pertama gue tentang abang si Sanny ini?
"Eh, cowo itu lucu juga, punya gaya, narinya bagus ya."
Yup, gue ngenal dia saat dia lagi asik"nya goyang tuh pas latihan di pentas buat acara tamatan SMP, he wasn't as great as he is now, but he's shining at that moment. Itu yang buat gue bertanya-tanya kira-kira mau ga iah dia gabung ke UKDC sewktu kami ini ditakdirin Daddy buat sekls pas SMA, eh2.....terakhirnya jadilah dia gabung juga, gimana seluk beluknya... lupa dah gue. Then cowo ini mulai nekunin dunia yang dulu mungkin serasa samar atau sekedar hobi (?) buat dia, dan jadilah dia yang sekarang ini. :) Anak bangga yang makin bangga yang selalu ngga punya takdir baik sama ponsel"nya belakangan ini. Momen paling lucu selama gue 'partner'an bareng dia di dalam grup mungil itu ya pas dia keuh-keuh mau gendong si @VeronicaMilas, pas dia SECARA SENGAJA maki nyokap gue lewat bbm GUE, dan setiap kali dia 'bermesraan' dengan soulmatenya yang kebetulan juga terdaftar di dalam tim mungil kami. I cherish every single moment we had :) It was so so so much fun, opera van java lewat deh, hihi, harusnya dulu gue bikin dia nangis mencak-mencak aja yah pas ngajarin 4 orang bandel yang otaknya pentium 1 abis diajarin koreografi Alan Luo. hihi.
Gue heran kenapa di momen-momen saat gue uda mulai give up tentang beberapa faktor didalam hidup gue, Daddy ngenalin gue ke dia, orang yang ga mau nulis nama di setiap Letter of Questnya tapi secara frontal dia pake kertas notesnya 'Mawar Sharon' wkwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwwkk. bego ga sih? =pp But he's a great and nice writer indeed, he wrote nicely in those letters, I keep it well. :) Enak buat curcol nih, despite that dia sering banget ketiduran atau ga balas ditengah jalannya chat/smsan. =,= He's a creative and lovely buddy, and until today he's the only one who successfully made me smile widely with his surprise gift, it's nothing much though, but I really" treasure it. :))
Gue masih ingat gimana 'intense'nya gue dan cowo metropolitan ini dulu pernah ga ngomong selama...... berapa lama? I forget. Seriously hilarious. hhahaha. Gue ingat gara" itulah gue denger lagu "That Should Be Me' nya Justin Bieber yang liriknya dia post di wall fb, maklum, wktu itu blm begitu ngetrendnya galau-galauan massal di twitter. hhhh. Galau di twitter ngetrend setelah zaman-zamannya...... tweet" ga berbalas yang bikin ended up ngetweet ngomong sndri di tengah malam, subuh-subuh. haha. Okay, back to topic, actually thank for dance routines that we must did for the sake of Quest, we ended up our quarrel and..... we get used to each other better than before. :) Cowo 29 Juli ini bukan seseorang yang blak-blakan pada tempatnya, kalo masalah being funny and spontaneous, he's the one, orang yang hampir 24 jam bersama orang lain selalu pasang muka berseri-seri. But I think he's not actually that kind of person, most of the time he took something seriously tapi ga tau gimana bagusnya buat ekspresin apa yang dia pikirin. Gue selalu nganggap that's a special part of him being himself. Itu yang ngebuat dia itu... dia, genuinely. What I feel grateful by having him in my life is that he always always always bring happiness to people next to him. It's a gift, don't you think? ;)
Seharusnya banyak yang gue omongin tentang anak ini di dalam entry gw ini,banyak yang mau gue share atau ungkapin tentang buddy gue ini, tapi begitu waktunya buat nge-type-in smua smua smuaaaanya ke dalam words yang enak dibaca, I'm actually speechless.
Gw rasa kalian para readers femmepurplelicious yang ga kenal anak ini bakal bosen deh ngebaca isi buddy post gw yang kebanyakan gue anggap 'strong' karena uda banyak menginspirasi gue di dalam hidup. Whatever, but I think buat semua orang yang kenal anak ini, 90% of them will agree with me that this guy here really effects your life. Yah, mungkin mempengaruhi kalian dalam aspek-aspek yang berbedalah.
This guy here one said this to me, *kira-kira lah ya* "I like you (being my friend, ofcourse) because you never see me as another person (strange person) after you get to know me. You never get to pity me."
Sebenarnya, that's exactly yang gue rasain tentang the so called chincia gue ini, he knows me, accept me well,and gue merasa dia ngerti dan ngerasain apa yang gue alamin, dan instead of cry and whine, he work his life. yah, maybe gue ga pernah tau he's being sincere or not, but as long as I am, I hope he does too. Cowo ini adalah seseorang yang paling-paling bisa membuat gue bangga dan malu secara bersamaan, bagi orang-orang yang mengenal dia lebih dari gue, I think you get what I mean. Dia ga pernah whining, perhatiin deh, dia ngga pernah sekalipun mengutarakan apa yang dia mau secara langsung, always in his way, like we need to guess it right somehow. yah, most of the time sih dia sukanya deny himself dan ujung-ujungnya nyesal sendiri. He always do that to himself, I wonder why. ==a Dia tuh seseorang yang menurut gue harus dijadiin role model secara usia kami ga terpaut jauh, I somehow ashamed with myself for being this spoiled while looking at a daring person like him going out there struggling.
Many times I think, how fun will it be to have a prson like him inside my family. Secara I'm alone, dan he gets what I feel, I somehow treats him like my own brother. So far, I got one 'annoying sister' and one 'childish brother', isn't it sounds perfect? hihihihi. He sticks well with my cousin, bagi kalian yang pernah membuktikan dengan mata kepala sendiri gimana childish nya dia main congklak bareng ade gw, your mind will blown away. hahahaha. I truly like him as a sibling. Guess what, most of the time I can get really suspicious with person he likes, ck, tau kan gimana rasanya kalo sodara lu punya gebetan? Penasaran dan jealousy yang somehow aneh dan menjijikkan itu? Itulah ya pokoknya. ahahahahaha. Gue sangat berharap dia cepat-cepat merealisasikan crush nya itu, uda brp taun, bro???? Mau tunggu cewenya imigrasi ke negeri lain buat kuliah?? =="
Ck, apa penyesalan gue sampai disaat gue nulis post ini? Semenjak tamat SMA smpai skrg, gue dan cowo yang ga tahan spicy ini hubungannya mulai renggang (cieileh hubungan cyin... XDDDD ) hhhh. Yah, mungkin pengaruh waktu, distance dan pergaulan juga, ga banyak yang bisa kami ber2 omongin lagi sekarang, kalaupun ada, stuck dan speechless di tgh jalan. Sad isn't it :'( Sedih juga sekarang karena our schedule uda berbeda-beda, sibuknya juga uda beda-beda, banyak hal yang ga bisa gue share ke dia, mungkin ga sempat? Gue ga ngerti juga. Makin sedih pula gue, karena swktu Daddy ngasih kesempatan buat gue ketemu dia selama....3 weeks? ga benar" gue manfaatin dengan baik, gue belum sempat cerita banyak hal ke dia, bukan karena gue ogah atau ga mau, tapi karena somehow... gue merasa ada sesuatu yang membuat gue ga bisa cerita ke doi. Situasi dan kondisi mungkin? Padahal nih, guenya uda excited jauh-jauh hari sebelum dia balik hometown. I planned to plan something around his time back there, but than, what I did is nothing. Not even a thing for his birthday :'( somehow I feel so wrong and guilty of myself. sigh. Damn, I feel like I'm talking bullshits right now, but yup, you don't know what I feel. hmphf. Penyesalan besar sampai saat gue balik ke kandang singa ini ya itulah... I don't know where did it go wrong. I planned lots of fun things to do together with our tiny group's members but then it never happens in those 3 months of holiday, I don't even get a photo to stick in my wallet. Rasanya ini seperti.... apa ya, main game sampai 3 level terahir dan mati lampu, datanya hilang semua. begitu?
Dan akhirnya, yang bener-bener bisa gue lakuin cuma ngepost entry yang delay nya ampun-ampunan ini, bantu arrange acara nginap dan birthday bash dia, thankyou buat yang uda bela-belain ngebantu gue buat setidaknya ngabulin acara keroyokannya itu. That's it. Horrible isn't it? .____________.
Okay,maybe this is kinda short brief about my buddy,Toti.
lastly... gue bakal ngucapin birthday dan pesan tertunda (hoeks, delayed notes nih ceritanya)
Happy Bithday, chincia, I always hope all things and plans work well on you, everything that you wanna do, I believe you mention it on your prayer every single day, and I know you'll never walk on a wrong path. You are strong and I believe you know that Daddy is still working on you. I know that we never really share anything anymore, there is but it's around some "hi-hello-howareyou-fine", or maybe nothing really goes on in our new life. Yet what I've wanted to say through this entry here is that no matter how ignorant I am, how selfish,bossy,horrible you might see me in my life now, never forget that you can still share with me like we used to, no letters to send though, but I think email or private comments here would do if you'ld love to, I would really love to know how's your days and problems if you need someone to share with. I know you love new people, and I know you'll hardly forget the old ones, but if you do forget those oldies, please don't include me inside, I still need you as part of my small family. We are still in it together, no? :)
I'm sorry if I've became a person who never really help you before, sometime I just find myself useless for not being able to help my buddies with my own strength, pray for me that one day i will, and don't forget to teach me to be as dependable as you, I would thrilled to be like one. :D
I'm crying over myself since now you are older by a year but you look younger than your actual age. =3= envy you! =p
Keep on fighting~ hoi hoi! *muter2 telunjuk* ;p
Gue heran kenapa di momen-momen saat gue uda mulai give up tentang beberapa faktor didalam hidup gue, Daddy ngenalin gue ke dia, orang yang ga mau nulis nama di setiap Letter of Questnya tapi secara frontal dia pake kertas notesnya 'Mawar Sharon' wkwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwwkk. bego ga sih? =pp But he's a great and nice writer indeed, he wrote nicely in those letters, I keep it well. :) Enak buat curcol nih, despite that dia sering banget ketiduran atau ga balas ditengah jalannya chat/smsan. =,= He's a creative and lovely buddy, and until today he's the only one who successfully made me smile widely with his surprise gift, it's nothing much though, but I really" treasure it. :))
Gue masih ingat gimana 'intense'nya gue dan cowo metropolitan ini dulu pernah ga ngomong selama...... berapa lama? I forget. Seriously hilarious. hhahaha. Gue ingat gara" itulah gue denger lagu "That Should Be Me' nya Justin Bieber yang liriknya dia post di wall fb, maklum, wktu itu blm begitu ngetrendnya galau-galauan massal di twitter. hhhh. Galau di twitter ngetrend setelah zaman-zamannya...... tweet" ga berbalas yang bikin ended up ngetweet ngomong sndri di tengah malam, subuh-subuh. haha. Okay, back to topic, actually thank for dance routines that we must did for the sake of Quest, we ended up our quarrel and..... we get used to each other better than before. :) Cowo 29 Juli ini bukan seseorang yang blak-blakan pada tempatnya, kalo masalah being funny and spontaneous, he's the one, orang yang hampir 24 jam bersama orang lain selalu pasang muka berseri-seri. But I think he's not actually that kind of person, most of the time he took something seriously tapi ga tau gimana bagusnya buat ekspresin apa yang dia pikirin. Gue selalu nganggap that's a special part of him being himself. Itu yang ngebuat dia itu... dia, genuinely. What I feel grateful by having him in my life is that he always always always bring happiness to people next to him. It's a gift, don't you think? ;)
Seharusnya banyak yang gue omongin tentang anak ini di dalam entry gw ini,banyak yang mau gue share atau ungkapin tentang buddy gue ini, tapi begitu waktunya buat nge-type-in smua smua smuaaaanya ke dalam words yang enak dibaca, I'm actually speechless.
Gw rasa kalian para readers femmepurplelicious yang ga kenal anak ini bakal bosen deh ngebaca isi buddy post gw yang kebanyakan gue anggap 'strong' karena uda banyak menginspirasi gue di dalam hidup. Whatever, but I think buat semua orang yang kenal anak ini, 90% of them will agree with me that this guy here really effects your life. Yah, mungkin mempengaruhi kalian dalam aspek-aspek yang berbedalah.
This guy here one said this to me, *kira-kira lah ya* "I like you (being my friend, ofcourse) because you never see me as another person (strange person) after you get to know me. You never get to pity me."
Sebenarnya, that's exactly yang gue rasain tentang the so called chincia gue ini, he knows me, accept me well,and gue merasa dia ngerti dan ngerasain apa yang gue alamin, dan instead of cry and whine, he work his life. yah, maybe gue ga pernah tau he's being sincere or not, but as long as I am, I hope he does too. Cowo ini adalah seseorang yang paling-paling bisa membuat gue bangga dan malu secara bersamaan, bagi orang-orang yang mengenal dia lebih dari gue, I think you get what I mean. Dia ga pernah whining, perhatiin deh, dia ngga pernah sekalipun mengutarakan apa yang dia mau secara langsung, always in his way, like we need to guess it right somehow. yah, most of the time sih dia sukanya deny himself dan ujung-ujungnya nyesal sendiri. He always do that to himself, I wonder why. ==a Dia tuh seseorang yang menurut gue harus dijadiin role model secara usia kami ga terpaut jauh, I somehow ashamed with myself for being this spoiled while looking at a daring person like him going out there struggling.
Many times I think, how fun will it be to have a prson like him inside my family. Secara I'm alone, dan he gets what I feel, I somehow treats him like my own brother. So far, I got one 'annoying sister' and one 'childish brother', isn't it sounds perfect? hihihihi. He sticks well with my cousin, bagi kalian yang pernah membuktikan dengan mata kepala sendiri gimana childish nya dia main congklak bareng ade gw, your mind will blown away. hahahaha. I truly like him as a sibling. Guess what, most of the time I can get really suspicious with person he likes, ck, tau kan gimana rasanya kalo sodara lu punya gebetan? Penasaran dan jealousy yang somehow aneh dan menjijikkan itu? Itulah ya pokoknya. ahahahahaha. Gue sangat berharap dia cepat-cepat merealisasikan crush nya itu, uda brp taun, bro???? Mau tunggu cewenya imigrasi ke negeri lain buat kuliah?? =="
Ck, apa penyesalan gue sampai disaat gue nulis post ini? Semenjak tamat SMA smpai skrg, gue dan cowo yang ga tahan spicy ini hubungannya mulai renggang (cieileh hubungan cyin... XDDDD ) hhhh. Yah, mungkin pengaruh waktu, distance dan pergaulan juga, ga banyak yang bisa kami ber2 omongin lagi sekarang, kalaupun ada, stuck dan speechless di tgh jalan. Sad isn't it :'( Sedih juga sekarang karena our schedule uda berbeda-beda, sibuknya juga uda beda-beda, banyak hal yang ga bisa gue share ke dia, mungkin ga sempat? Gue ga ngerti juga. Makin sedih pula gue, karena swktu Daddy ngasih kesempatan buat gue ketemu dia selama....3 weeks? ga benar" gue manfaatin dengan baik, gue belum sempat cerita banyak hal ke dia, bukan karena gue ogah atau ga mau, tapi karena somehow... gue merasa ada sesuatu yang membuat gue ga bisa cerita ke doi. Situasi dan kondisi mungkin? Padahal nih, guenya uda excited jauh-jauh hari sebelum dia balik hometown. I planned to plan something around his time back there, but than, what I did is nothing. Not even a thing for his birthday :'( somehow I feel so wrong and guilty of myself. sigh. Damn, I feel like I'm talking bullshits right now, but yup, you don't know what I feel. hmphf. Penyesalan besar sampai saat gue balik ke kandang singa ini ya itulah... I don't know where did it go wrong. I planned lots of fun things to do together with our tiny group's members but then it never happens in those 3 months of holiday, I don't even get a photo to stick in my wallet. Rasanya ini seperti.... apa ya, main game sampai 3 level terahir dan mati lampu, datanya hilang semua. begitu?
Dan akhirnya, yang bener-bener bisa gue lakuin cuma ngepost entry yang delay nya ampun-ampunan ini, bantu arrange acara nginap dan birthday bash dia, thankyou buat yang uda bela-belain ngebantu gue buat setidaknya ngabulin acara keroyokannya itu. That's it. Horrible isn't it? .____________.
Okay,maybe this is kinda short brief about my buddy,Toti.
lastly... gue bakal ngucapin birthday dan pesan tertunda (hoeks, delayed notes nih ceritanya)
Happy Bithday, chincia, I always hope all things and plans work well on you, everything that you wanna do, I believe you mention it on your prayer every single day, and I know you'll never walk on a wrong path. You are strong and I believe you know that Daddy is still working on you. I know that we never really share anything anymore, there is but it's around some "hi-hello-howareyou-fine", or maybe nothing really goes on in our new life. Yet what I've wanted to say through this entry here is that no matter how ignorant I am, how selfish,bossy,horrible you might see me in my life now, never forget that you can still share with me like we used to, no letters to send though, but I think email or private comments here would do if you'ld love to, I would really love to know how's your days and problems if you need someone to share with. I know you love new people, and I know you'll hardly forget the old ones, but if you do forget those oldies, please don't include me inside, I still need you as part of my small family. We are still in it together, no? :)
I'm sorry if I've became a person who never really help you before, sometime I just find myself useless for not being able to help my buddies with my own strength, pray for me that one day i will, and don't forget to teach me to be as dependable as you, I would thrilled to be like one. :D
I'm crying over myself since now you are older by a year but you look younger than your actual age. =3= envy you! =p
Keep on fighting~ hoi hoi! *muter2 telunjuk* ;p
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