Time passes too fast am i right?
Tonight i decide to post some photos 'bout my class' Tjong A Fie's house,Balai kota and many more.Feel so bad that i cant join my lastceremony @school TTTT____TTTT but i had superb rainy day last 17th August.kekekekeke... We introduced Medan lao ia places to Kuan Yu,it's our way to call the Taiwanese girl who i tell you last post.
You know what? I get so excited to post something on my blog when i know 'Hey,i have a reader at least' wkwkwkwk. Hey,you all readers,enjoy my blog because there are some BEAUTIFUL VIEW of Medan after this.=P
Btw,i made a new blog/website from ,but i think i have to redecorate it.
>>>> mine : =]
maybe i'll post thing through there now,sorry,B~ =/
but i feel it's better there.=3
So here they are.some photos. =]
Wenny.Frendy.Kuan Yu ! XDD
Toti's seventeen,guys!
The hatefullllll bio's assignment things! X'(
Dua lelaki. Satu single satu tak single.Di pili di pili!
The Heritage!
Tjong A Fie's
F4 kah? kurasa tidak. XDD
Bunch of Keong Racun here! wkwkwkwkwkwk!!!!
photos taken by The Clarence. (bangganyahhhh~ lol)