Wednesday, March 30, 2011




too sad.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

May I quit?

I'm damn exhausted.
Nothing happens to support me too.

Stress mode : ON

I'm so stucked with my project.
I'm drawing this thing. A piece of work full of sweets. *Imagine how tasty it is*
It took lots of work just to draw this piece of art. Hell. I wonder where is my inspiration . Somebody find it for me please. This thing won't done in 2 weeks if I keep on doing things like this. T^T
Help me! *Cry me a river*

Monday, March 28, 2011

I want this homemade thing for my birthday! Haha XDD

 This one really make me fall in love.
Yet Detailed.
Perfect! XD
Make me one please~~~ T^T

Hoi Hoi! X'3

I dedicated this one to my Hoyi Hoyi partner =P ='>

I hope not

I've played tumblr these days,B.
Will I betray you by moving to tumblr? =S

This Quote

"Ketika kau memperoleh keinginanmu, kau kehilangan yang kau miliki"
(Gologo Geloso - Tanti Susilawati)


Just Ladies.

Can I call this fun?
there are less than 25 days for me to share things to you.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I don't know .Really.

I stare too long at my keyboard, just to start this post.
I don't know whether you will keep on reading this blog or not.

I feel so stupid posting this,you know, never feel damn right while writing on my blog.
What I feel right now : I want to leave everything. and Wuuuuushhh! gone.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cooking Cooking

Pretty cute MV =3
Happy Saturday,all!

Que sera,sera.

Yes,this time it won't last any longer.
It does change.
I'll try to accept.
Everything that change wether it's because of me or you, or it's you or just me.

Whatever will be,will be.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Breakfast time!

What's inside? =D
Another meal for this morning.
Succesfully made this one for my mom's breakfast again. hihi. Want some? =3

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can't this stay?

You always know how to tell me that You never left my side.
Thankyou for You always reminds me that there's at least one person who cares about me.
Thankyou that You have brought a person like __ who will always bring a smile even from photos. XD
What I can do now is pray. Pray that You will not take away this person from my life. Twice is enough.Don't add any again in my list.I pray for everything won't change anymore. =]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

That tree

Can you imagine this?
My life looks like this. Surrounded. yet alone.

Monkey monkey monkey

When I graduate from this science class, then I definetely will feel this in my life :

_ _ _ _ _ Y_U

I'll need to _ _ _ _ _ everything. asap.
Who wants to help me to do it?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thirty. and I'm the only person to be blamed,right?

Is it true?
Is it really 30 days to leave school?
Only 30 days left?
I don't know what I'm feeling about this.
Everytime I think about it, I can't do things I should have done. Simple. Because it's just so sad.
There are only 30 left, and this pain still live here.
i hate to say goodbye to you like this,people.
but if time and everything must flow like this, I'll regretly walk with it. =')
There is a pinch inside me everytime this topic is arised. It reminds me that time's ticking and everything has not fine yet. and I don't know how to fix it anymore.
maybe nothing I can do to fix things I've done,path I've walked, choice I've taken before.
Or maybe, I'm not brave enough to see through the curtains? Reality which stays behind it.

Do i really have to leave everything like this?
Am I regretting? or not?
Will I feel worse about this later? Or Not?
Can I? May I?
I kinda feel i'm egoist enough.
I don't think about others,right? hhhh. I don't think about how you feel.
Sometimes I do think I took a really moron way.
Only a stupid person left things behind without saying a word.

So,do I have to keep it like this?
Because one said there are things better left unspoken.
How about this time?
tell me what you think (just anyone who read this) =]

I feel like I'm the only one that is not moving. i keep on murmuring inside this hole.not moving on.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Suddenly this piece of work reminds me of a person ( you will know this is you when you read my blog ='> ) who genuinely inspires me now and before. He told me he kept on changing, change and change and change till today,the day I know him like this. The day when he can finally scream out loud that he proud to be like the one he is today. Too sad for me that these passed years, I didn't get to know you well, right? hahahaha. If only I knew that you'll be such an inspiring person, you would have moved into my world since the first time we met.And I would have inspiring you too! XDD wwkwkwkwkk.Anyway,to this person I want to say thank you for letting me know your story. It's a true motivation,you know... =***

Ok,what piece of work that I mentioned before?
It's a drama. *whatever you call this type of film deh*

Marry Me,Mary!

I watched this film all day long today, and I found out something to be learned...
Ones will change, when something or somebody affects his/her life.
Not every changes means the person who is changing is going to be worse, sometimes, it does makes that person find out the real them.
I'm glad if the fact turns out to be like this,that ones who's changing around me is changing to be the real him.
Not changing to be the person that he personally hates. Get what I mean? How can you live if you keep on thinking that yourself isn't you,right? 
And if these thought is right, then I never made a wrong step. leaving. =]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

si liaw lah~

I'm pretty sure I really dead this time.
No mortal will help me with this one.
and I pretty much don't know how to start and finish this thing perfectly....
gggagaagagaggagagagaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! ><
I need my life.
MY LIFE, Lord~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


 Gee,I'm sick of you. 

Monday, March 14, 2011


Even if I forget you.
Even I rips my chest and ribs.
Best part of lyric and dance! XD

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chingchingching XDD

Morning, Universe!
I made these stuffs this morning and it tasted waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy tooooo gooood!!!! XDDDD
I'm happy.happy.happy.
Mushy Mushroom Bruchetta

Passionate Mango Yoghurt

Pawn in a Chess

Udah capek.
Sudahlah,kalo otak ini sama hati uda setuju jalannya mau begini, aku lakuin aja. Nggak peduli lagi sakit ato nggak.Ngapain juga aku harus capek begini? bukan berarti nggak berusaha. Makin dipikirin makin terbelit aja ini otak kayak kaset rusak.
Aku seperti bertemu dengan orang lama tapi harus kembali kenalan dari NOL. Entah aku atau orang itu yang amnesia. Ya sudah,kalau memang begini. Begini sajalah. Bukannya hidup aku memang selalu begini?
Bukan berarti tidak menghargai, bukan berarti aku ini sadis nggak peduliin orang lain, mungkin memang begini saja cara aku untuk merhatiin orang lain, kalau uda sampai aku di titik dimana aku merasa peranku sudah selesai. Bukan tidak dibutuhkan, tapi berperan cuma sebagai pajangan,apa gunanya,kan?

Kalau orang itu sendiri tidak tahu apa yang disebut bahagia bagi dirinya, bagaimana dia mau membahagiakan orang lain?
Kalau orang itu tidak tahu apakah sebenarnya dia itu bahagia atau tidak, bagaimana orang lain harus menyikapi dirinya?
Aku tidak pernah merasa dituntut atau menuntut,
sedih saja,
aku ternyata mengenal sosok yang salah.
Yang manakah diri orang itu yang sebenarnya? Yang dulu kah atau yang sekarang? Kalau memang beginilah orang itu yang sebenarnya, ya bagus, berarti dia bahagia dengan itu,dengan begitu kami-kami ini yang harus berkenalan lagi dengannya.
Tapi aku sudah selesai.
Aku pengen banget ngomong kalau semuanya sudah selesai. Tidak ada gunanya juga aku berbicara begini, toh aku nggak pernah benar-benar membahas masalah ini.
Sekarang sudah sampai di titik di mana aku cuma bisa baca,tau,mungkin paham,mungkin mengerti, tapi tidak bisa berkomentar,tidak bisa memberi saran,tidak bisa melakukan apa yang kurasa biasa kulakukan.
Mungkin memang benar,semua berubah.
Tidak ada yang bisa disalahkan, waktu yang terus berjalan dan mengubah orang saja tidak bisa kita salahkan.
Mungkin menurut orang, aku bisa saja berkomentar, terus berkicau, tapi itu sudah tidak bisa menembus hati, lalu apa gunanya lagi aku? Maka aku sudah usai dengan itu.
Jangan merasa kekurangan aku seperti kehilangan dunia, karena kamu-kamu semua tahu bahwa tidak ada dunia yang hilang kalau kamu kehilangan aku. Kamu akan tetap bernafas. Hidup.
Yang benar adalah kamu kehilangan salah satu pionmu, mungkin kuda dalam papan caturmu, yang biasa mendampingi tiap jalanmu, di saat kamu kehilangan itu, ada yang kurang dari anggota caturmu. Kenyataannya jika kamu mendapatkan kembali pionmu itu, kamu hanya merasa aman, dan kamu hanya ingin semuanya sama seperti biasanya, namun kamu tidak sadar bahwa ternyata bagimu pion hanya sekedar pion, kamu perlu itu sekedar agar semuanya terasa lengkap, sebenarnya ada tidaknya pion itu tidak banyak mempengaruhi kamu. Sebab pion itu bisa digantikan oleh sejuta pion yang lain.
Kamu hanya merasa tidak lengkap tanpanya. Setelah papan caturmu lengkap, kamu hanya membiarkan pion itu menjadi pion, yang ada hanya untuk sekedar berdiri di sana melengkapi papan caturmu.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Your 18th,my friend.... =]

I decided to dedicate this post for my beloved tiny girl, @YulieGrow.... =]

umm...sebenarnya,me bnr2 merasa nyesel banget karena asli lupa tmnku ini sudah menua...Asli,gw kira ultah lu uda lwt,hbisnya,perasaan u bru menua,koq menua lagi? Orangnya aja me-muda....XDDDD
Sorry kalo hari ini aku g bs siapin kue yang begini lagi buat kamu. =(((
Aku ga bisa janji juga aku bisa buatin yang gini lagi, cuma tunggu aja,yulie! harus ada yang lebih heboh lagi dibanding kue yang toppingnya fto2 narsis loe! ='3

Thankyou iah,aku uda bisa kenal sama kamu,Yul. Kamu itu adalah salah satu orang yang bisa di bilang inspiring me.... Banyak juga yang aku pelajari dari kamu... Jangan selalu merasa diri kamu kurang dewasa,nanti macam w khi,kyk mamak2 lang kong~ T^T *sedih*
I wish you enjoy your 18th,because for me, the real me exist in 18. Hope that you'll find yourself too soon!

Love you always * I'm not promising I WILL,but I hope so =P *

Sincerely kiss,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I want it this way.
Simple and no emptiness in it.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I never know that you affect my life like this. =]
not until i lose or you leave me. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ask me again, "Why?"

People start asking me that question again.
Question that start with "Are you?" "Do You?" "Why?"
And the biggest problem is , I don't know how to give the feedback. I'm puzzled since the first time it started.