Sunday, February 7, 2010

And the best dressed male tonight goes to.......

Another Sunday has come~

Last night was fun @Ardut =]
we danced for Michua's bday last night.......
I'm really sad because K's part at the beginning wasn't recorded by Angel~
huuuhhhh (so sad!!!!! T,T)

But still,i'm so glad last night to see K in a very different way of dressing XDD
P.S. u r handsome YESTERDAY,K! XDD 
(No wonder K got the best dress male ~)

B,i broke my accessories when i danced........huhuhu~
i love that tiny purple thing.....
Hey,whoever stepped my hair clip,buy a new one for me!!!!!

I was supposed to have my hair cut this morning,but considered to my sudden,the hairdresser suggest me to go to the saloon at 6pm....
let's see,what will i be after 6?
i'm still excited to fulfill K's dream to see my face in a poni bego's style...hahaa XDD
Pray for me so i will have 100% different hairstyle this time.
(Sadly,i cant hv a poni bego,but still i'm going to cut a different style of poni.xixixixixixi)

Bored Ms.P!


  1. serius u sama poni bego?????
    wakakakaka.. xD
    aku tak bisa membayangkan low..
    btw, who is K??
    akong hyo?? wkwkwkkw.. XDDD

  2. iah, K si kkong lae.... =] sorry,uda taun baru bru bls komen nin~ hihi.
    lma2 ZZ jga y pgil K? tpi ncua le,khak enteng o... =]
